Ruben Martinez Jr.


Recal — React Component

Built a ~6kb reusable React/Preact Calendar component using CSS Grid. Reached #12 on the global trending repositories on GitHub.

Piggy — Mac App

Developed a Mac menu bar app for viewing up-to-date cryptocurrency prices and Coinbase wallet data.

Muzee — iOS App

Created an iOS app for capturing photos of paintings, correcting skewed perspectives, and viewing them in AR.

Avivore — Chrome Extension

Built an extension that uses Google’s Perspective API to auto-hide "toxic" tweets on in real time.

Recloud — NPM Package

Created a React mixin for memoizing results from API calls given prop or state dependencies.

Archive — Chrome Extension

Developed an extension that allows you to archive websites to the Wayback Machine with just a click.

Flat.Style — JavaScript PWA

Created an offline-ready web app for generating icons with shadow effects given any image using the HTML Canvas API.

GroupCodes — JavaScript SPA

Built a real-time collaborative web-based code editor aimed at students working together on projects.

Infinitweet — Chrome Extension, iOS & Android apps

Created a social media tool for sending “infinitely” long tweets, by converting text into images optimized for Twitter. 3.6k downloads.

DUCK! — iOS app

TouchID/FaceID-secured photo locker, with a responsive layout for iPhone & iPad compatibility. 3.4k downloads.

LittleData — Chrome app

Designed a JavaScript app that used WebAudio API and WebRTC to attempt to translate visual input into a unique, identifiable sound.

Bowdoin Dining — JavaScript SPA, iOS & Android apps

Developed a suite of apps for Bowdoin College Dining used by over 5.6k students and faculty.

WBOR Radio — Chrome Extension, iOS & Android apps

Developed apps to allow anyone to stream WBOR Radio, the Bowdoin College student radio station, from their phone or laptop. 3.8k downloads.